Book shelves in library


White Papers/ Resources

Take advantage of our knowledge, which we are happy to pass on to you in the form of white papers or blogs. You will find all our knowledge contributions here, sorted by topic.

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  • Complex Systems: embedded systems, software, electronics...
  • Critical Systems: functional safety, data security, cyber security...
  • Connected Systems: Internet of Things (IoT/ IIoT), digitalization...
  • Project Management: risk management, outsourcing, effort estimation...
  • Management: product development, processes, competencies...
  • Archive incl. our conference presentations and papers
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Or scroll through the complete overview, a click on the image will take you to the article:


Grandmother and grandson doing homework

Reviews! Is that necessary?

Reviews! Is that necessary?

Pitfalls of reviews and how to solve them.

Time to Read 4 min

Comparison of two different sized eggs

UL 1998 vs. UL/EN 60730

UL 1998 vs. UL/EN 60730

UL 1998 is short and seems simple. If I have a choice, can I really save anything?

Time to Read 2 min

Dead trees in the front of Dune 45 in Namibia

Lean: Just Reduction of Muda?

Lean: Just Reduction of Muda?

Lean Management is often synonymous with the reduction of waste (Muda). Is that enough?

Time to Read 1 min

Woman reading a book while man tries to repair the car

Legacy Code Documentation

Legacy Code Documentation

Do you have undocumented "legacy" code? How do you find out what your code does?

Time to Read 5 min

Knowledge/ White Papers

Informations, tools and interesting stuff for embedded development, but not only...

Complex Systems

Woman reading a book while man tries to repair the car

Legacy Code Documentation

Legacy Code Documentation

Do you have undocumented "legacy" code? How do you find out what your code does?

Time to Read 5 min

Embedded system: printed circuit board with two processors

Embedded and IT

Embedded and IT

What does embedded mean anyway? What is the difference to "normal" IT?

Time to Read 2 min

A river meanders through a forest

Data Flow Diagrams: The Forgotten Art

Data Flow Diagrams: The Forgotten Art

A plea for more clarity for complex systems.

Time to Read 4 min

Coffee Filter

Anti-Aliasing! Do I need a Filter?

Anti-Aliasing! Do I need a Filter?

Does I need an anti-aliasing filter? Or is this easier done in software?

Time to Read 6 min

Roboter hand writes on keyboard

What is the Benefit of Code Generation?

What is the Benefit of Code Generation?

How to reduce effort while increasing quality using code generation...

Time to Read 3 min

Incadescent Lamps

Flicker: What You Aalways Wanted to Know

Flicker: What You Aalways Wanted to Know

Where does flicker come from? How can you influence flicker?

Time to Read 3 min

Plot: grid power curves for soft switching of power loads

How to Measure Flicker without Hardware?

How to Measure Flicker without Hardware?

Our open source flicker simulator: measure flicker of any voltage waveform.

Time to Read 2 min

Software simulation of a coffee machine on a PC screen

Develop Software without Hardware?

Develop Software without Hardware?

How can the hardware and the machinery to control be replaced by simulation?

Time to Read 3 min

ScProbe: JTAG/ debug connector and high density test points on PCB

How to Contact on a Very Confined Space?

How to Contact on a Very Confined Space?

Contacting for development without building a printed circuit board adapter.

Time to Read 1 min

Critical Systems

A Madagascar day gecko clings to a pane of glass

FuSa: What does that Mean Legally?

FuSa: What does that Mean Legally?

Answers on liability and other legal topics related to functional safety.

Time to Read 9 min

Grandmother and grandson doing homework

Reviews! Is that necessary?

Reviews! Is that necessary?

Pitfalls of reviews and how to solve them.

Time to Read 4 min

Comparison of two different sized eggs

UL 1998 vs. UL/EN 60730

UL 1998 vs. UL/EN 60730

UL 1998 is short and seems simple. If I have a choice, can I really save anything?

Time to Read 2 min

Man with map scratches his head

What Functional Safety is Not

What Functional Safety is Not

Does an FMEA make the product safe? This and other misconceptions dispelled

Time to Read 2 min

Sampling of whiskey from a barrel

High Software Quality Required - What Now?

High Software Quality Required - What Now?

Are tests enough to ensure the quality of my software? Or is there something more...

Time to Read 7 min

Boat compass

Sistema for Embedded FuSa?

Sistema for Embedded FuSa?

Sistema as a guide to ISO 13849...

Time to Read 2 min

Venetian fortress Methoni in Greece

Secure by Design? For Embedded?

Secure by Design? For Embedded?

What does Secure by Design mean for embedded systems? Why does this matter to me?

Time to Read 5 min

Antique lock

Secure Boot! For Microcontrollers?

Secure Boot! For Microcontrollers?

Do you need that? And then how is it done?

Time to Read 5 min

Workshop on the whiteboard

5 Tips for a Successful FMEDA

5 Tips for a Successful FMEDA

How to perform an efficient and effective FMEDA or quantitative FMEA?

Time to Read 7 min

Woman looking at software code

A Meaningful Software FMEA?

A Meaningful Software FMEA?

How to perform a software safety analysis that makes sense?

Time to Read 7 min

Stone pile on the beach

What is the Cost of Functional Safety?

What is the Cost of Functional Safety?

How to estimate the effort for safety-critical systems: a simple rule of thumb

Time to Read 2 min

Mountain Runner

Functional Safety? The list

Functional Safety? The list

What does functional safety mean for your development? A short list.

Time to Read 2 min

Runner laces her shoes

Functional Safety? The Details

Functional Safety? The Details

What to do for safety development? The details.

Time to Read 22 min

Connected Systems

Tracks branching out onto a shunting yard

Digitalization: a Route

Digitalization: a Route

Do you want to digitalize your products? Bring them into the Internet of Things? Find a way here.

Time to Read 3 min

Spider web

Your Product on the Web? Iterative Implementation

Your Product on the Web? Iterative Implementation

Do you have an idea for an IoT product? How can it be implemented efficiently and with low risk?

Time to Read 4 min

Project Management

A mountain lion runs in the snow, all legs in the air

Is System Design Worthwhile?

Is System Design Worthwhile?

Will your project be faster with System Engineering? There is evidence for this!

Time to Read 2 min

Climber on the rope

Risk Management? A guide

Risk Management? A guide

Do you want to set up a simple risk management for your project? Use our template.

Time to Read 3 min

Picking raspberries

Outsourcing Checklist

Outsourcing Checklist

You would like to outsource development or consulting?
How to pick the optimum partner.

Time to Read 5 min

Normal distribution on napkin

Effort Estimation

Effort Estimation

You want to know what the effort is? Use our estimation tools!

Time to Read 7 min

Fire wood is split with an axe

Project Estimation: : divide et impera

Project Estimation: : divide et impera

Do you want to estimate your projects more accurately? Here is a method that works!

Time to Read 8 min

A fortune teller holds hands around a crystal ball

Coarse Estimation: if you Know "Nothing"

Coarse Estimation: if you Know "Nothing"

You only have a rough product description? This is how to generate an effort estimate with it!

Time to Read 6 min

Experiment: engineer measuring an electronic circuit

Experiments and Useful Results?

Experiments and Useful Results?

A big pile of plots... How can experiments be made more usable?

Time to Read 3 min

Planning Poker game at the poker table

Planning Poker for the Estimation of Hours

Planning Poker for the Estimation of Hours

The instructions for Planning Poker and a deck of cards to estimate hours.

Time to Read 3 min


Dead trees in the front of Dune 45 in Namibia

Lean: Just Reduction of Muda?

Lean: Just Reduction of Muda?

Lean Management is often synonymous with the reduction of waste (Muda). Is that enough?

Time to Read 1 min

Man walking on a foot suspension bridge

Functional Safety: And the Processes?

Functional Safety: And the Processes?

A discussion of the possible options on how to obtain the necessary processes.

Time to Read 4 min

Shell of a wooden house

"It works!" Is the product finished?

"It works!" Is the product finished?

Or is it? What about the non-functional requirements?

Time to Read 2 min

Ingenieur at the screen

Expertise: the Dreyfus Model

Expertise: the Dreyfus Model

How to classify the expertise of technical specialists? A useful model.

Time to Read 4 min

Watch Hands

40% Faster Innovation and Product Development

40% Faster Innovation and Product Development

This is the wish of everybody involved with product development...

Time to Read 3 min

Four runners run towards the observer

Is Body Leasing Really Simpler?

Is Body Leasing Really Simpler?

Is it more efficient to have the engineers on place or to award the task as a project?

Time to Read 3 min

Visualization: Plan-Do-Check-Adjust,creativity, processes and goals

What defines a Good Engineer?

What defines a Good Engineer?

Apart from technical knowledge, what are the key success factors of an engineer?

Time to Read 3 min


That which was new, some time ago...

The complete Solcept staff in the seminar room on Pilatus Kulm

20 Years of Solcept

20 Years of Solcept

We celebrated our 20th anniversary on the Pilatus...

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2023: Security by Design & Open Space

ESE 2023: Security by Design & Open Space

"Embedded Security by Design" & "Barcamp with Solution Potential: Open Space"

Two karateka warm up for the fight

Shukokai Karate Wetzikon Sponsor

Shukokai Karate Wetzikon Sponsor

Solcept sponsors training apparel for the Kimura Shukokai Dojo Wetzikon.

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2022: Processes without "Process Police"

ESE 2022: Processes without "Process Police"

"Wie viel Demokratie vertragen Prozesse? Prozesse ohne "Prozesspolizei" am Leben und lebbar halten"

Invitation Embedded Computing Conference 2022

ECC 2022: Software Safety Analysis

ECC 2022: Software Safety Analysis

"Software Safety Analysis for Practitioners"

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2021: Intent Based Leadership

ESE 2021: Intent Based Leadership

"Von roter und blauer Arbeit: Sechs Pattern für Führung in dieser Zeit".

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2020: The Solcept Way

ESE 2020: The Solcept Way

"The Solcept Way: Von Ingenieuren für Ingenieure"

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2019: Safety & Psychology

ESE 2019: Safety & Psychology

"Menschliche Aspekte von Safety-Projekten: Was Sie in der FuSi-Schulung nicht hören"

Six engineers celebrating 10 or 15 years with the company

Anniversaries 2019

Anniversaries 2019

65 years of expertise:
Six  10th and 15th work anniversaries.

Forum Safety & Security

Safety & Security 2018: Experiences FuSa

Safety & Security 2018: Experiences FuSa

"Vom funktionierenden zum sicheren Produkt: ein Erfahrungsbericht zur Einführung von funktionaler Sicherheit"

Embedded Computing Conference

ECC 2018: Processes, just Tedious?

ECC 2018: Processes, just Tedious?

"Wieso Prozesse: ist das nicht einfach nur mühsam?"

Embedded Software Engineering Kongress

ESE 2017: Effort Estimation

ESE 2017: Effort Estimation

"Aufwandsschätzung: Handwerk oder Magie?"

Embedded Computing Conference

ECC 2017

ECC 2017

"Funktionale Sicherheit: Wie macht man das?"

Start Button: ready for ISO 26262!

Ready to Start with Automotive Safety!

Ready to Start with Automotive Safety!

Capable engineers and institutionalized processes: ISO 26262 quickly achieved

Snippet from the new Solcept website

News from May

News from May

New website, now fully responsive. New staff and again capacity for your projects.

Spiderweb with dew

News 2003..2015

News 2003..2015

The very old news...

Projects? Ideas? Questions? Let's do a free initial workshop!