How does Your Idea Evolve into a Product or a Service? Would you like to Realize Your Idea with Little Development Effort?
The journey from an idea to a successful product or service is usually a rocky one. We support you with our knowledge of business models, methods and technologies. We define your optimum product together with all stakeholders: product management, user, production, sales, service... This and our outside view mean for you that no aspect is missed and therefore no expensive adjustments are needed during development or manufacturing.
In the first "System Definition" phase, which is inspired by Design Thinking, we work with you to take your idea from workshops to rapid prototypes to requirements specifications. This serves as a basis for the development of a MVP (Minimum Viable Product), a first usable product which serves you to get feedback from your customers.
You profit from clear requirements, leading to fewer iterations in development and thus to smaller effort. However, clear requirements only arise if an efficient process is used. You get the concretization of the product goal and product specification as a bespoke process with workshops, coaching and analyses.