Due to the Machinery Directive and ISO 13849, a safety level (Performance Level: PL) is required for the control of the machine... The customer or the current state of the art requires functional safety for the product according to a standard...
What does this mean? Which solution is the most efficient? What exactly do we have to do?
These are the questions that concern the organizations for which we provided consulting (on ISO 13849, IEC 61508, ISO 26262, DO-178, UL 1998...) for functional safety. Together with the customer's product, quality and development specialists, we looked at the specific concerns:
Introduction to the basic principles, to functional safety thinking and to the necessary procedures and documents
Estimation of the development effort for functional safety
Interpretation of the standards: what does this mean in practical terms for my product, for my development processes
Assessment of existing processes for the targeted security levels ("gap analysis")
Definition of the safety goals as a first step towards the development of functional safety
Evaluation of alternative solutions for the safety functions
System design of a compliant and efficient safe solution
Hardware design for a cost-effective safety solution
Selection of certifiable, safe electronic components adapted to the required safety level
Software design including selection of the right programming language
Selection of software tools that can be used in safety projects
Support or execution of safety analyses such as FMEA, FMEDA, FTA...
Planning and execution of verification and validation
In a first joint workshop we developed a common understanding of the project, the questions to be clarified and the exact procedures. This resulted in our consulting mandate, which was precisely tailored to the customer.
Then we familiarized ourselves with the client's product and existing documents. These served as preparation for further workshops, where we discussed and decided on possible solutions. Then we prepared the next steps, which we developed together in the next workshop. The concrete questions and the depth of the analyses were always adapted to the specific project and the customer's wishes.
The most important competence in these projects was of course functional safety. In addition, all customers benefited from our practical experience in system, software and hardware development, from our experience in estimations and from our practical work on and with processes.
Are you looking for safety for your safety project? Send me an email!
Or use our free SolceptClinic for initial consulting.
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Projects? Ideas? Questions? Let's do a free initial workshop!