Car on road, sunset

Automotive Software

How does an Existing Product become Functionally Safe?

A complex sensor and communication solution has been developed and produced by our customer for the industrial and commercial market for several years now. Then his customer demands a safety level (ASIL: Automotive Safety and Integrity Level) for the product. On the one hand, the system contains complex signal processing, modulations and coding, implemented in software and hardware, on the other hand, the customer has no experience with functional safety and the corresponding processes of ISO 26262.

Solcept tailored the processes for the project, performed the system design and safety analysis and took over the interfaces to the customer's hardware development and to the offshoring partner for software development. At the end of the project all generated results of the project were transferred back to the customer, but also the complete processes as an extract from the process landscape of Solcept. These now serve the customer together with our consulting as a base for setting up his own functional safety competence.

Project Scope

Expertise and Technologies

Most important for this project was our experience in and processes for functional safety, including planning, requirements management, certification and safety analyses. Additionally, our long-standing knowledge in digital signal processing and communication systems was required.

Would you like to make your product functionally safe? Send me an email!

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