Measurement of USB parameters with high speed oscilloscope

Our Tools

What is the Equipment we Apply for You?

In addition to the standard equipment for embedded development like 1 GHz oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, function generators and JTAG debuggers we own specialized equipment for the areas where knowledge and experience alone do not help. By having in-house access to these devices we can, together with our experience localize and solve problems efficiently.

For troubleshooting in fast protocols like USB, Ethernet but also control of fast memories (DDR) we own 4 and 13 GHz oscilloscopes with 4 and 13 GHz probes and the according protocol analysis software. So we can solve your tricky problem from signal shapes to protocol software.

Engineers working in the measurement laboratory for environment and EMC

To fulfill the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), besides knowledge of high frequency also the according laboratory facilities (EMC setups, antennas and measurement equipment) are needed. Here we are equipped for radiated and conducted measurements plus a site for the measurement of the immunity to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Therewith we ar able to unravel teh most difficult EMC problems of your products and can offer cost-efficient solutions for it.

In order for your electronics to work perfectly at all temperatures and also at elevated humidity, we test it in our own climatic chamber.

Projects? Ideas? Questions? Let's do a free initial workshop!