Mobile phone with an app to control a coffee machine

Symbolbild: F&E/ Engineering von vernetzten Systemen, z.B für IoT (Internet der Dinge) Technical Apps for Android, iOS and Windows

In the age of digitalization and "Industry 4.0" complex solutions are obsolete. The end users, but also the service and commissioning specialists demand simple and user-friendly solutions for setting, use and diagnosis. This preferably means an app (application) on a tablet or rather just an app on the own smartphone which can access the equipment wirelessly.

But which smartphone: Android oder Apple iOS? And don't we want to be able to run the same function also on Windows?

If the function of the app exceeds the resources of a browser ("web-apps"), a "real" application must be programed which runs on all platforms. Using a modern framework, we could make sure that the same code can be used for all operating systems. So the effort for creation and maintenance could be decreased and still each user can use the own beloved smartphone.

Project Scope

Expertise and Technologies

The applications were developed using Xamarin in C# an then run as native apps on e.g. Android, Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OSX. Because for a part of the function C#/ .NET code for Windows already existed, we have reused this code. This happened without having to change the code.

Because only certified code can be executed on all modern operating systems, certificates for the different platforms must be generated and managed. If you like, we can also take over the generation and mangement of the certificates for you.

Do you need a technical app? Send me an email!

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