The longer an electronic circuit is on the market, the more frequently you receive the "end-of-life" messages for the used components. When key components are affected which have an impact on the software of the system or its safety, ATEX or other qualification, large cost of adaptation have to be anticipated.
In many cases (e.g. for Atlas-Copco or Wetrok) it was possible to produce the hardware for several additional years, just by adaptation of components or minimal changes to the printed circuit board (e.g. to accommodate more modern component packages). By so prolonging the product life, time is created which allows you to specify and develop a replacement. At the same time you can profit longer from the investment in the current product. In order to allow you to do this, we design changes to be as small as possible.
The success of those projects is based mainly on the exhaustive experience of our engineers and the good relationship to the suppliers of the components.
Would you like to produce your electronics for a longer time? Send me an email!
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