A man stands on the edge of a canyon on a flat rock

How to Speed Up your Development and Reduce Risk?

Standard System Design Platforms

Every customer and every project is different. And yet many basic components are the same across multiple applications, products an customers. We have combined these reusable building blocks into platforms as standard designs consisting of hardware- and software-components. So that you can benefit from this base for a fast and cost-effective development of your product. Since the same platform is the basis for several projects, on the one hand the implementation risk decreases and on the other hand a higher quality can be achieved.

Since you get the sources and schemas of the whole project, there is no dependency, no vendor lock-in.

You want to develop a classic control system for your product? Then you can benefit from our control standard designs. Optimized for real-time/ DSP, for graphical touch operation and high computing power or for safety controls.

When digitalizing your products, you benefit from the IoT standard designs. These are available for IoT endpoints, including mobile, battery-powered ones, for IoT edge with more computing power and connectivity or for typical backend functions. For user and service apps, use the technical app platform.

Projects? Ideas? Questions? Let's do a free initial workshop!