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ESE Congress 2017

Effort Estimation: Craft or Magic? Sensible Estimates even with Little Information

Visit the Embedded Software Engineering Congress 2017 from December 4 to 8, 2017 in Sindelfingen! Experience inspiring presentations and have interesting discussions.

On December 5, I will be giving a presentation entitled "Aufwandsschätzung: Handwerk oder Zauberei? Sinnvolle Schätzungen auch mit wenig Informationen" (Effort estimation: craft or magic? Sensible estimates even with little information) in German.

I look forward to seeing you in Sindelfingen!

Andreas Stucki

Andreas Stucki

Do you have additional questions? If so, email me or comment your thoughts below!

Aufwandsschätzung: Handwerk oder Magie?

The content of the talk has gone up in several blog posts, you can find the entry point at effort estimation.

Here you find the paper for the presentation (in German), the link for the Excel estimation table and all references:

[RC]: Wikipedia: "Delphi Method"

[JG]: J. W. Grenning: "Planning Poker"

[PP]: Solcept: "Planning Poker Anleitung"

[RS]: R. D. Stutzke: "Estimating Software Intensive Systems", 2005

[WR]: W. Reiter: "Die nackte Wahrheit über Projektmanagement", 2003

[dML]: T. DeMarco, T. Lister: "Waltzing with Bears", 2003



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